kutenay - you mention that Page was more or less a regular guy in camp. He was, however, not without his prejudices and by todays standards not politically correct.
I remember hearing him speak at an annual dinner of the Hart House pistol club at the University of Toronto just a short while before his death. One of his topics was a hunt he went on in some French protectorate in Africa. I was very surprised about some of his comments about Frenchmen made during that speech. While I am no particular fan of Quebec I was surprised that he would come to Canada as a speaker and then denigrate the residents of one of the provinces.
At that time Page was in poor health. Don't know whether it was just a severe cold or flu or if it was something which eventually contributed to his death. In spite of this he did honour his commitment to come and speak even though he was obviously not feeling well at all.
Just another aspect of the man that may interest some of you.