Some of the guys I mentioned worked for Andy Russell when he guided into the "Kishinin" as we called it and Page was among his clients, as was O'Connor and divers other famous dudes from all over.

The anti-French animus is quite common among many Americans as witness many comments on THIS forum. However, I would point out that Quebecers are NOT ...French..., they ARE "les Canadiens" and the French Protectorate Page hunted in had/has nothing to do with Canada, other than a common language.

Now, if you want to discuss DE GAULLE, THAT is a different situation.......

Anyway, I detest PC rhetoric, historical revisionism and lies of any type, only imbeciles, crooks, dictators and their followers and other such scum indulge in being is obvious on one section of the Campfire, from time to time. So, as far as I am concerned, I couldn't care less what Page said about the French, some of whom ARE azzholes.