Originally Posted by model70man
Thanks Steve,

I have always read your posts and gleaned much from them. I'm sorry you were treated that way by Wolfe. I could tell from your posts that you were a man who knew what he was talking about.


Hey Bill,

It really wasn't Wolfe Publishing's fault. They were going through a plethora of editors at the time. Because of this, even though I asked for a CE, it apparently was not a top-level issue. Hey, it's just management.

No harm -- no foul. The folks at Wolfe are still my friends.

The last editor, who is still a darling of the industry, was not a person I cared for (Steve is being really nice here grin). That, and the non-CE issue was reason enough to walk.

Please bear in mind that I owned a jewelry store at the time and my writing took back seat to making a living and accumulation of wealth (I retired at 49).

That being said, I can honestly say that I put my entire heart and soul into every single article I ever wrote. That is a fact.


"God Loves Each Of Us As If There Were Only One Of Us"
Saint Augustine of Hippo - AD 397