Very poor in Oulu - Maple areas in Bayfield/Douglas counties... Tons of wolf sign & sightings. Quite a few folks are working pretty effectively to fix that problem.

It seems like there are a few areas with a few more deer, but so many areas are nearly void of all sign. Some of the crews that do a lot of driving have quite a few on the pole, but very slow, overall. They still have over 4000 doe permits for sale in unit 2. WTF, over.

It's very doubtful that the WI DNR will get the 300 plus bow and rifle deer license dollars next year, that I've been giving them for so long. It's like giving them a stick to whack you with. No more. Quite a few folks are feeling the same, both resident and non...

"The Bigger the Government, the Smaller the Citizen" - Dennis Prager LINK