Well, I lied. Yep. I AM going to buy a 2010 WI gun license and hunt the whitetail. Well, more or less setup in whatever stand I have on my 40 that feels right for the day and wait and see what comes my way.

After last year seeing no deer I was pretty demoralized. But. This past January I gave up smoking the butts. So that means that this year I gets the opportunity to sit in the ladder with not stinking smokes burning, and no motion/noise made by me swmokin' them.

A few weeks ago I found the remains of a small 8 point that had been eaten. brain was pretty much all that was left of the flesh. Fuggin skull sure did stink. Shook the spine off, cut the back of skull behind antlers off w/ bow saw, dumped the brain. Gonna assume wolves or 'yotes took this on down.