I like pure beeswax for leather knife sheaths or something similar where I want the ultimate waterproofing and am not concerned with flexibility or breathability, but it is not my first preference for leather shoes. Sno Seal and Obenauf's will allow the leather to breathe some if it is not applied too heavily and will also keep the leather supple. They work well for me with goretex lined boots.

For applying beeswax this is my procedure ...

Put a kettle of water on the stove with a smaller pot floating inside it which has the beeswax. Bring the water to a boil. The boiling water will heat the wax to a thin liquid but will not allow it to heat to the point of spontaneous combustion as long as you regulate the burner to keep the water bubbling but not boiling over.

Use a high heat hair dryer to heat the leather being treated. Use a small paint brush to dip in the hot liquid wax and brush it on the leather. You will need to keep heating the leather and brushing the wax until the leather is full. Use a dry brush to brush off the excess while being heated with the dryer/gun so no white sheen is left behind.

This process goes fairly quickly and easily.