The first time when I met Bob, it was at a meeting in the early 1980s here in the Old World, according to his name badge I addressed him as "Mr. Milek" - pronounced "Mylek" which is wrong.
In his high cowboy heels an with high selfconfidence he interupted my speech and told me, his family is of Polish origin and his name is to be pronounced "Me:lek".
Bob was a nice and very capable guy, sharing his knowledge with the interested.

how he pronounced his name. Was it Mile-ek or Mill-ek.
He replied that it was pronounced Mill-ek. Later on, as I was leaving, I ran into him again and stopped him and asked, "Are you SURE you're pronouncing your name correctly?" He stared for a minute and then broke out into a grin. I got to see him once more before he died. It was common knowledge that he was in poor health the last time I saw him. I mentioned to him that I had put him on my prayer list and he thanked me and I left.