Originally Posted by KDK
Originally Posted by Hi_Vel

though i had planned on the website being complete by mid October--it is not ready yet. my hope is that it will be complete in the next few weeks. there is a considerable amount of information on the development of this tool.

the website address will be:


Yeah, I guess not. Is there going to be a translation into English? I somehow never managed to learn Latin! smile

was that latin? i wasn't sure, but you should try sitting there and proof reading page after page of dat stuff...

all humor aside, i imagine jeff will have things ready in a few weeks.
meanwhile, i don't know why the pages appear as they do right now while it is under construction--but i'll ask jeff about it...

when the website is complete i'll put up a short post on the 'fire to let anyone know who might be interested, that it's "back in the english saddle again..."

here is a link to a 12 step procedural photo sequence for standard rings (dovetail front/windage rear):


and here is a real short video of the basic process, distilled down to 4 photos:


all learning is like a funnel:
however, contrary to popular thought, one begins with the the narrow end.
the more you progress, the more it expands into greater discovery--and the less of an audience you will have...