Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by Petro
Assuming you're serious...

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

Dead serious. I'm not sure what you are "WTF"-ing. If you'll clarify what it is you're questioning, I'll try to answer.


Tom, to be honest, I was WTF-ing the entire quote, really. I mean, I don't disbelieve in Bigfoot. That's why I asked the question. I really want to know if I would be the only one to shoot if I saw one. Obviously if there was a question as to the authenticity, then I wouldn't shoot. If there were ever any doubt as to whether I was shooting at a jokester or the real McCoy, then I obviously would err on the side of safety. But if I did see what you described as a certainty, then I would see no moral issue with taking one, literally in the name of science. I guess my main WTF moments were where you say you've observed and interacted with them, as well as that you would take the life of a human being getting ready to take one that wasn't in self defense. Not calling you crazy, because I've got beliefs that people can't understand, but man...please elaborate.