Originally Posted by Big_Redhead
You guys are pissin' me off! All this talk about cool combination guns...I can't afford any new guns right now. Stop it! I mean, don't stop, or...oh, I'm so confused... crazy

I started trading in them at age 13. I mowed lawns for two summers to buy my first drilling, a Sauer 3000 circa 1958 in 16ga and 7X57R. The only rifle ammo available was from Stoeger at that time. I learned all I could about them from anyone who had one or knew about them...made some whopper mistakes, too. I'm not close to wealthy and scratch out a modest living. I did learn enough over 51 years of trading and upgrading drillings and other combo guns to have owned a lot of them, just never many at one time, as I have to sell and trade to move on to other guns I want to fondle for a while. I figure I have tried out somewhere around 200 of various flavors along the way, from Savage 24s to some pretty exotic drilling sets...some with several barrel sets and scopes.

Combination guns push my "hot" button. As a boy I one day took a 5X5 mulie, 6 chuckar and 15 valley quail. I used a Charles Daly sidelock-sidecock 12/12/30-30 similar to Scott's. I was hooked for life. grin

Hunt with Class and Classics

Religion: A founder of The Church of Spray and Pray

Acquit v. t. To render a judgment in a murder case in San Francisco... EQUAL, adj. As bad as something else. Ambrose Bierce “The Devil's Dictionary”