Originally Posted by Formidilosus
One of the most talked about and discussed topics on this board seems to be whether turrets or bullet drop compensating (BDC) reticles are better for hunting. The common theme seems to be that the masses believe reticles are "faster" but turrets are more "accurate" at distance. It seems to make sense, but is that really the case?

I'm going to present my observations and experiences using both over the last decade and would greatly like to hear yours.

Neither are more accurate if you don't test and practice with them.

That being said - some people are spooky on turning turrets and having them return to zero - Jeff_O is ______ retentive / compulsive on it - and not in good way.
So if you don't trust turret turning - just say no.

I think it's all personal pref. I like the Leupold Varmint reticles because I can outshoot most of the guys with me with the dang things.
If I was competing against myself more I may flip the other way and use turrets. Another funky thing is "non-zero" stop turrets - may people using turrets the first time forget where thier zero is - and that's not funny, they get pissed quick and then don't want to trust the turrets again.

Trust is mistated - it's really how much you trust yourself to hit using the method at hand - again practice.