Critique shot a bit different this morning,than I did yesterday(above).

While I've always been a fan of contrast in a scene,opting an orange hue as the Dupe,is an Age old favorite of mine for Spring Feesh. Pink has no peer for Winter feesh,but Orange can do nice things,even in early Spring.

My State is very arid and the foliage is perpetually a dingy brown-ish hue,which isn't very flattering in any light. Oh well...broad shoulders do sweeten the pot and frost the cake,even in the sweltering 80 degree heat.

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Fall Plumage do nice things for contrast and set off the GLX subtension matrix fairly well. Am thinking the weathered au naturale cork,do meld nicely and the dynamics of the coloration throughout the scene,rather sing in conjunction.

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Keying in on the Orange Theme a touch more,if only for conversation.

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Always rewarding to see "quit" in a victim's eye(s).

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Just sayin'.(grin)