Originally Posted by Glock2240
Originally Posted by Redbone311
File a complaint with your local police department for theft/mail fraud as well as the post office and the police depart in which he lives. I had a friend that got taken by a similar guy in California (my Buddy in Connecticut). He bought an expensive video camera (about $2,000) from the guy. Guy pulled similar scams on others. Him and many other people filed complaints with that guys local police. The police caught on that he was ripping a lot of people off. They gathered the proof, and arrested the guy. Guy did a few years in jail. No BS.
Good luck with that.
Personally, I would not sit around for $450.
I would fly out and see him. Then he would pay me all my travel expenses plus the money he owed me, or else.
I mostly post in the classifieds. Sorry but I have a bad addiction.... guns and toys. LOL
Doesn't make you a thief or a bad person. No more than a guy that goes to the gun shop a lot.
But I understand the thought. Just need to be careful.
But I am mostly just a buyer anyway. Not a seller.

I have to agree, file a complant with the local police.

Except the money was sent as a gift by PayPal it might be hard to prove anything was stolen. When in doubt I always pay the fees so I can dispute if there is a problem. The extra fees are worth not having to post problems like these.