As a police officer, I recommend that you print all communications and postings. List any known names, address, and phone numbers. Make sure you have all paperwork, receipts, etc in hand along with a written statement detailing the who, what, when, and where's along with any further actions you have taken to attempt to remedy. Contact your local PD and file a report for theft by deception. After you file with your local PD, ask if they would be willing to assist with contact to HIS last known local PD. The crime has jurisdiction in either location, so if you push HIS Police Dept. to file with the report and assistance of your local police, they can obtain an arrest warrant in the area where he resides.
The biggest obstacle to overcome is every crime needs a victim. So....if his local PD would arrest him on their charges, you would need to attend hearings in that jurisdiction. Unless his PD would make contact with him and threaten the charges if he doesnt complete your deal by sending the items. Its a hard situation to finalize if there is distance between you and the seller.
Another option would be file a civil suit in your local court and, obviously, he probably wont respond. You could more than likely get a judgement against him, but again....that doesnt get your money or merchandise.
I hate seeing this bullsh*t happen. And the ones doing it know how hard it is to get taken care of. It it was a felony grade or firearm it would be a total different story though.

Some people don't know that they don't know.