Originally Posted by Hi_Vel
Originally Posted by Bricktop
Originally Posted by shrapnel
I was emailed a copy of the final letter and the check for reimbursement of the gun Hi_Vel referred to in his post. Suffice it to say, it is a real document disclosing the person, detective involved and the resolution of the matter.

This is a different outcome from what I personally saw in regards to the help from local LEO when I had my encounter with a scumbag. The detective in the correspondence stated the same thing, that most cases don't come out like this...
I also received documentation from the detective in question stating otherwise. I don't play "Hi_Vel's" passive-aggressive bullshit games nor do I need to get anyone else to carry my water.
as i mentioned earlier, i would not post that personal/private info (of the scammer), on an open forum:

therefore, i settled on the next best thing--to utilize a independent witness--so i asked shrapnel to act as that witness by giving him a copy of the documentation concerning the work of the detective who resolved the matter--strictly for the benefit of guys like bluecharm99 and stantdm, or any other guy out there who is being scammed, or may one day be scammed--that once in awhile--in this case with leo help--a guy can win one of these...

the post wherein shrapnel acted as a witness (a basic legal procedure--not an attempt at having someone carry my water), was not for your benefit/purpose, for egotistical tinhorn amatuers like yourself can never benefit from truth, no matter how far one shines the light into that void between your ears--Hello in there, anybody home?

while i can be certain a tinhorn amatuer like you could never summon the moxy to email a detective and ask basic essential questions--others still might do so--and i hope they do--though i can't imagine them giving a care.

but you try all you wanna know, and one day maybe you can spout your First Truth .

then, when you can string a set of those truths together, your on your way--taking those first steps towards puberty--and when you begin to "boy-up" and grow a pair, one day--maybe You can become "a real live Bricckhio Boy".

Brickslapped again, you tinhorn amatuer...
And as stated earlier MY correspondence with detective Joann Frescas of the Monterey Park, California police department has completely contradicted your claims. Out of respect for her privacy, I will not post any of that information on an open forum, nor will I dupe anyone into playing a part in any sort of game. You know, like you're doing since you've been caught in a LIE.

I have found the best thing is to reference and deal exclusively in PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. That prevents deceitful little bastards from manipulating stories and conning others into retelling them on their behalf. Does any of that -- ANYTHING AT ALL -- get through the haze of Zoloft and lithium that you're taking?

Your ass just got bitchslapped again, [bleep].

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.

Originally Posted by safariman
I do tend to fit in well wherever I go in person.

Originally Posted by Fireball2
The campfire is the most outside exposure I get. No TV, no newspaper.