Yep, a whole lot of different hunting done in WI vs. Western US. I might only cover 10-15+ linear miles round trip in one day hunting elk but it is a lot of up and down just to get there. Take a 9lb rifle, add .5 gal of water, your favorite hunting boots, bino's, rangefinder, compass/gps, maps, some food, knives, sharpening stone, folding bone/tree saw, bivy sack, rain gear, small survival kit, game bags, extra socks, para cord, and dress in layers and I'll bet you are adding close to 30 lbs on your body if not more.

Add in 7000+ feet of elevation and you'll understand the light rifle concept real quick. It doesn't matter how good of shape you are in it will wear on you eventually, especially if you are hunting remotely for a week or longer. When I leave camp I go out expecting to be back but prepared to stay out for 24-48 hours if not longer, weather can come in quick on the mountains so you had better be prepared.