Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Technoman26
Originally Posted by deflave
I agree. Light rig has nothing to with gut size.


It does, if you're talking energy expenditure for a day of hunting. Absolutely. A lighter me gets around the hills, trails and mountains way easier and with less effort than a heavier me.

Toting around 8oz less rifle helps too, if that's what you want to do, but add another 20lbs to your pack and walk all day then tell me which makes you more tired. 8oz more rifle or 20lbs more in your pack.

To be honest, I've searched for lighter boots because it takes energy to move those boots all day. Up, down, around, over. Think about it, it takes more energy to move something all day (your feet and legs) then to carry something which is static most of the time.

Why would I put 20lbs of extra schit in my pack? I'm not following your logic.

Buy some Keens. They're plenty light.

A lighter rifle, is a lighter rifle. In shape or not.


It isn't that hard to follow Travis. If I am 20 lbs lighter in the future, it's 20 lbs my body isn't carrying around anymore. So I am equating it to you putting an extra 20 lbs of chit in your bag now and walking around all day. Then tell me if you are more or less tired than if you hadn't hiked around with that 20 extra lbs.