It was mid-day of the 2002 Michigan firearms deer season and I had left my blind to do a little sneaking around when I startled a young whitetail fawn. Poor thing was scared chitless and it ran directly away from me and over a little hummock about 25 feet away and out of sight. I stood there thinking how cool it was to have been that close when I realize by the sound that the fawn had turned around and was running back in my directiion. It topped the hummock and I could suddenly see that it wasn't just coming back toward me, but was running directly at me. I stood staring for a second or 2 and then sidestepped to avoid being run into and as the deer passed I swung my rifle around and gave the deer a poke in the side with the muzzle, causing the deer to push it's nitrous injection button or hit overdrive or something. The additional burst of speed was impressive, as was the running high jump it performed.

4 out of 5 Great Lakes prefer Michigan. smile