I've been on four guided Dall hunts and Lord willing will go again in 2014 (Brooks). I have to agree on the lower power scope. Last year after the stalk, we set up on a group of rams at about 200 yards. I had the scope maxed out on 15X, could count the hairs...
Anyway, as I was waiting for the perfect shot to line up, the guide and I were discussing the qualities of the two larger rams, and which one to take. It then occurred to me that if all the rams ran at the shot, I might not be able to follow the chosen one for a follow up shot at 15X. I twisted down to what felt right (6X) and bang flop no worries.
I now have a Leupold 2.5-8X on the sheep rifle.
Also, Lowa makes a good boot, I'd suggest logging about 50 miles in up, down terrain.