Originally Posted by 17ACKLEYBEE
LOL are you that stupid or are you just drunk I can't believe a lot more guys haven't called you out on this.

You have zero credibility! Clue one for you don't listen to drunk union workers on strike for facts about the strike etc.

So unions donated zero dollars to the Obama election machine in 2012?

Unions did not come out last year and support and recruit illegal immigration?

So again trying to follow your logic. You and your union donated money( 100's of millions of dollars) to Obama TWICE and other radical social Democrats and their policies destroyed our economy. Millions of American lost their jobs and health insurance. Now you come on here and want sympathy from non union members?

Who is the one here who is drunk?

Were you one of the drunk union guys "on strike" that I met in E WA elk camps?

So the communist party just gave an award to your union. I guess you changed my mind

Remind you of someone?

Last edited by ribka; 06/02/13.