I've been on the road for a few days and see this thread has some interesting twists to it.

I've some time, so I am gonna reveal my thoughts/experiences in and around Douglas. Not trying in any way or shape or form to bring people around to my way of thinking. Not that we would ever be for doing that on this forum eh!?

I respect all thoughts on this thread, well most all should I say...(grins) and of course appreciate the same with mine.

So, to the point:

I've been around my fair share of tubes over the years, and have worn out/shot out more than my fair share. I've worked with a lot of different ones, and like some out there have to come to opinion via my experiences.

I've come to really like Schneider, Lija, Krieger, Shilen, Hart and Chanlin.

I've heard tons of good on this forum of PN and my old Mashburn is gonna make a trip there this Dec for a new tube.

My personal thoughts on what makes a great tube is this.

I want a tube that will break in quickly and clean up well and shoot well right from the get go.
I want a tube to be able to have a good life and during the life to be able to come clean quickly and to shoot accurately and to my personal standards. And lastly I want a tube that is gonna end well.

I do not look for advice from those out there that have not had the time in behind the trigger to wear out tubes.

And, quite honestly I really only want to talk with and hear opinions from those that have done this with multiple tubes and from multiple makers. If people have not worn multiples of them out and from multiple makers then I personally feel that they should sit back and listen. Just my thoughts.

Note I did not say those have lots of rifles tubed up I personally want to hear from those that are wearing them out. Heck I know tons of folk with lots of ponies in the corral. That aint tough to find in this world. I care to hear from those that have road them from start to finish.

I am more than sort of amazed at supporters of this and or that tube when they say "look at this group and see how mine shoots"...who cares!

Now as for my personal experience (this does not count the ones that others have owned, and I've more than one friend that has a Douglas in the corner), I've had 4 Douglas tubes.

One was a 416 Taylor which found a very good home well b4 I could give it a serious go. And it was one of the best chuck rifles I ever road.

The others were a 25/06 and two 7 Mashburn Supers.

All 3 of them went pretty much like this.

Broke in a bit rough and never truly got around to cleaning up in a manner in which I was personally comfy with.

None of the 3 shot worth a hoot until I had somewhere close to 150 rounds thru them.

All 3 of them shot quite well until I neared the 1K mark. Although none of them really ever cleaned up the way I liked during this period, and have come to expect from other tube makers.

All 3 of them puked and died b4 I hit the 1K round mark.

Now it could be I just had the 3 worst tubes that Douglas ever put out and it was just a bad deal. But I just don't believe this is the case. But....I could be wrong. I think I've been wrong b4..

I did call the people at Douglas and tried to have a nice and professional conversation with them. Now keep in mind that to them I am a nobody, this is to say that I don't do business with them on a fairly continual basis as a smith would and or could.

I started the conversation off in a very nice and inquisitive manner, and the fella came out of the corner right off on the fight just like we would if we were in the Octogon.

I told him how all 3 tubes had whimpered very easily and was curious as to what he thought about it.

He said in a pretty rough and non professional manner, "hey I've burned out STW tubes in 75 rounds or less so shut up!".

Personally I found him to be a world class butt and if he had been in the same room as me I would of been sorely tempted to revert to my days of youth and bitch slapped him silly!

Ah but age has given me some good things I guess so I shut up and decided not to ever deal with them again and to do my part to steer others in a different way.

Some say, don't let your friends drive drunk, I don't let my friends drive Douglas!

This is just the way I look at tubes, to those of you driving them and liking them I say more power to you.

I've been to the ball game with them and have had 3 strikes plus our little conversation so I want no part of them anymo.

Life for me is too short to shoot/carry a tube that I don't care for.

Not trying to change anyone over to my way of thinking, it is your cheddar and you spend it how you wish.

Shoot straight, and make it your best day!

Mark D

"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy