I live in Iowa so I have to hunt with a muzzleloader, shotgun, or handgun in our deer seasons and some seasons are weapons specific. I have gone the muzzleloader route and frankly I hate the cleaning and juggling all the components. I even bought an aftermarket smokeless barrel in which I use H4198 so I at least eliminated the constant "chimney sweep" thing. And it would perform well even to 250 yds with the right load. But there is still the juggling all the powder, bullets, and primer thing. This year I just used my RRH in 45 Colt and I enjoyed a hands-free, a full, jiggling fanny pack-free hunt.

I think it's just a matter of style really. I like JBs idea of a muzzleloader--more traditional. If given a choice between the two I'd go the Savage rifled shotgun all the way (it is a rifle by the way).

The reason I haven't gone this route so far is I hunt IA's late season during which it's muzzleloader or handgun all the way--no shotgun. I have no idea why but that's the way it is.