Nothing is sure in this life as I am sure you hopefully understand.
To say I am 100% sure am animal is going to do something or not do something would be foolish and full of arrogance.
But experience in the field hunting animals with a bow and with handguns and with rifles you learn a lot about animals behavior when they are acting a certain way.
I am very willing to shoot a bedded animal (and have done so several times) when I am hunting with a handgun or a rifle.
Do you have a problem with that shooting a bedded animal?
Several on here have a lot of years of experience hunting and for some reason I am curious to know about you.
In your desire to show how wrong it is to hunt the way that I do, you are ultimately shooting yourself and your foot. What ends up happening in your posts in all reality is just providing a good education for those who are lurking to know that it is not a bad thing when responsible men and women take to the field probably equipped and properly skilled to hunt animals at distance.

Ernie "The Un-Tactical"

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