Soldiers do not close with the enemy like the did in previous wars. Hence you don't see the bayonet used much other than as cooking utensil. And since no one rifle can do it all, so you slect for the mission at hand. The M-16 A2 3 and 4's are fine for the most part, when needed tricked out M-14's are issued, of course there are the M-40A3's M-21's and 50 BMG's in the sniper roll. The problem as I see it, is were dose the Army goes for the next rifle, if the 16 is comming to the end of service life. Say what you will about the 16 most can learn to shoot one and shoot one well in very little time. Something to consider when the current crop of recruits are not as exposed to shooting and the shooting sports as have previous generations. Maybe the mattel is the best infantry rifle ever made. Then again if it was a real problem, all they would have to do is issue 136 thousand M-1's to the troops. Uncle Sam still has a couple of million New ones in storage. Funny that they spend the kind of money keeping them, when the throw away just about everything else. Oh to be in the Armies Dept of Ordance these days.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov