
This is only my opinion but I would much rather have a 12 gauge with 00 buck than any assualt rifle for urban warfare. I think the US is learning it's mistakes all over again by using the M-16 against those maniacs in the middle east. They should have held on to the M-14 machinery instead of selling it to Tiawan back in '69. The .223 is not a good man stopper, especially when used on the turbans. Have you noticed some M-14s on the news lately. I have. It's kind of like the Phillipine Insurrection when the Colt .38 would not stop the Moros. The .223 worked pretty good on the small scantily clad Vietnamese but it's a different story in Iraq and Afghanistan where they clothe themselves with robes and turbans.

I think you have a much better chance of stopping someone with a shotgun than single round from a rifle. Too much spray and pray going on now. I've seen men on the news just holding up the rifle over their heads and shooting. What good is an unaimed shot?

I also think that each squad should have at least one shotgun and preferrably two.

Have you ever read about "Chesty Puller" when he was arming his battalion for duty in Korea. He ordered thousands of 12 fully brass cased rounds for his outfit. He knew the value of the shotgun. And...he knew the potential failure of paper cased shotgun shells. I would think the current plastic rounds would work fine in most any enviornment.

And...if it was up to me, the 9MM would go out the door and the .45 ACP would be the first line duty handgun.

Anyway, that's just a bunch of opinions from an old guy and I'm sure more of you are in the know than me.

No offense meant to anyone.
