Originally Posted by WyoCoyoteHunter
I have shot some in Az. We have a bunch right here in town.. Probably been around 5 or more years... But as near as I can tell they never leave town..

Yea,,, they've had em over in Lewiston for a few years now but I hadn't seem around here until this year.

I'm not sure about not sharing habitat with Mourning Doves though.
Ours gravel on the same road and Roost in the same trees as the MD that have been here for years.

Only thing I know for sure is they're dumber than chit. We see em graveling almost every day on our walk to the mail box. They'll wait till the last minute to fly when the dogs get after em and then simply fly to the lowest and closest limb handy. Our wild birds would never let the dogs get that close. I'm actually surprised they haven't caught one yet.