Hi Vel, very nice information there.. One nice thing about this site, we can visit with folks we may otherwise never have met..

That was quite a shot with that 270.. Things like that make for great memories.. Like you the .22-250 is my favorite.. Still have mine I got in the mid 70's.. It is on its third barrel.. Have several Swifts now and a .22-250 AI.. Still the old .22-250 has been everywhere with me.. Our coyotes are much more scarce than in the 90's til about 2010..

I remember those details about Pom now that you mention them.. He shot a 52 gr. Match bullet, I believe, over a charge of I4350..

One fun article I found in an American Rifleman from the 1940's was the use of 22 CF on coyotes.. The guy had been shooting coyotes and other stuff with CE .22's since the early 1900's.. He also mentioned the .25-35... It is a great read.. I got it in a stack of magazines someone gave me.. I think I can locate it if you are interested..

Have a good one..

Molon Labe