fwiw...the past models of the Swaro 15x56 had noticeable chromatic aberration for a premium bino, which the stargazers & birders pointed out via net reviews--they must have some pull...

The new HD version of the 15x56 is revamped and remedies that. Mine, now ours, purchased for use in CO, gets more play than I thought it would.

I like the focus and can use them handheld for short periods of time--judging whitetails quicklike in fields or looking at birds in the yard. The other 15s I have looked through are more difficult to do that with--and maybe that's just me or maybe it's part of the revamp Swaro did. My wife, who yearly teaches an astronomy course, had her hands glued to them recently instead of the Swaro 7x42 porros. She was using them handheld looking at the moon during the last full, but they really shine on a tripod for that.

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