Originally Posted by jbmi
How many of you are working in the field of your college degree?
I graduated 45 years ago and until I retired I worked in the field of my degree.
One of my 3 sons work in his degree field, but the other two have degrees and work in area's totally different from what they went to school for.
The reason I ask is the place I normally go for coffee every morning has a great guy working the counter, early 30's loves his job but has a degree in psychology, spent 4 years and some good money and never used it.
So if you had to do it over, would you change your majors ?

In my opinion, your first question is not related to your statement "what they went to school for."

My chosen career field, at the time I went to college, was becoming a Marine Corps Officer. The commissioning program required a bachelor degree in any field of study. Therefore I chose "Wildlife Ecology" but never worked in that field, but I still qualified to work in my chosen field (Marine Corps.)

As far as those expensive degrees (is psychology an expensive degree everywhere or is it institution specific?) Dave Ramsey always advises callers to choose degrees in fields of study within which they are going to work.

"All that the South has ever desired was that the Union, as established by our forefathers, should be preserved, and that the government, as originally organized, should be administered in purity and truth." – Robert E. Lee