Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush
Mine is in human resource training and development.

I do not use it on a daily basis, but it does get used when I teach adult students.

Like many, I too did it backwards, as I was teaching shooting long before I ever got the degree.

Doing it over again, if I was not going to carry a gun for a living, I would have not gone to a traditional college.

I would have gone to a tech school and learned how to run a mill, lathe, use EDM and CNC machines, and develop firearms related things.

If I could go back...
I would do the same. Though it was fun to know where the Battle of Guagamela was and post it on the SITMAP during Desert Shield (resulting in many, many pushups), my (formal)education never directly paid off. My children will be poor as a result of my juvenile decisions.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe