I got a degree in petroleum engineering. I didn't have much fun in college, but I graduated and got a great job and I have a lot of fun now without being on a college budget. I am a petroleum engineer so I do work In the field I studied. I don't know what else I would study...maybe metallurgical or aerospace engineering. Honestly love what I do.

I tell my younger cousins who just got out of the marine corps that a college degree is worthless if it doesn't differentiate you and that they'd be better off learning to be a plumber or electrician and saving their money than getting 90% of the college degrees offered now (and the associated cost/debt).

They didn't like the sound of that and liked the idea of easier majors than engineering or accounting or con-sci, etc. I asked them if they would rather have fun while poor or have fun when they make good money, because it's hard to do both. But they're starting to listen...

My sister, on the other hand, will be a student for a while. Her major is one where the goal is to be a college professor to teach other kids worthless information and eventually how to be a professor to teach more kids worthless information. Hers is the type of major I don't understand. It's worthless unless you find more idiots to justify your existence by convincing them they need to find more idiots to justify theirs. A Ponzi scheme really.