Not only unethical, totally taken well within a unit that was closed and off limits to that Tag. That makes it poached.

Originally Posted by ribka

That bull was a few miles from my house and I have pics of him
On game cams. Moss's crew are dbags

Shame that bull was taken using unethical methods

Originally Posted by JDHasty
So says the poacher's buddy. Yes I do have issues with people who are serial game law violators and I also have issues with those who defend them.

And funny the spider bull should come up, the characters who were involved in this BS had some of Doyle Moss' crew in EBurg scouting this very bull until they were told to knock it off.
Originally Posted by JDHasty
So says the poacher's buddy. Yes I do have issues with people who are serial game law violators and I also have issues with those who defend them.

And funny the spider bull should come up, the characters who were involved in this BS had some of Doyle Moss' crew in EBurg scouting this very bull until they were told to knock it off.