I don't know know Todd Reichert. I do recognize that the media is writing the story I read but it's hard for me to get past the multiple accusations he's had over the years. If the regs stated the unit is closed to branch antlered animals, how could he be confused?
Previously he paid for a fly-over to do his scouting.

I guess I'm being judgmental to some extent but from what's been published I don't know that I'd want to share a campfire with him.

His money, purchase of tags, etc. is of little issue to me. If it's within the law, then it will be someone, may as well be a RMEF contributor I suppose.

I'd like to see these type of Gov. Tag auctions be a one time deal though.

“You never need fear a man, no matter what his size. When danger threatens, call on me, and I will equalize.”
Samuel Colt.

�Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.� - Ralph Waldo Emerson