Originally Posted by stxhunter
Originally Posted by TheBig1
I moved out and her new boyfriend moved in the same day. All was fine for 9 months until I met my wife. She was at my house for a date, we were taking the kids to Monster Jam. She walks in my apartment as if she owns the place and sees my girlfriend, now wife, sitting on the couch.

She could obviously tell that I upgraded because after she left she lost her dang mind for years.

I want you back, blah, blah, blah. The worst part is what she did to my 5 year old sons head. She completely destroyed our relationship. We live on 5 miles apart and I rarely see him let alone hear from him.

She's a school teacher with a pill problem and I'm in law enforcement with a beautiful wife and home. But the courts say that's alright.

Unfortunately he's been lost to the manipulation and pathological liar side of the force.
you need to put your foot down, she only gets away with that because you let her. it might cost you some cash , but your son is worth it.

It's already been done. This was 9 years ago. She's lost her craziness towards me but the damage is done. He doesn't come by choice.