i shot a 6pt in a very steep hollow that we named 'the hell hole' because its so hard to get a deer up out of. i shot him he took a giant leap and landed dead. i could see him laying spread out flat so i start going down in the hell hole to get him. well i get to the steep bank where i shot him look down the hill and no deer. i stand there amazed. i look and look and i can't find him. this bank is full of downed trees and vines.i just sat down on a log wondering where the heck he could have gone. i just happened to look up and 10ft from me was the deers tail hanging straight down from a mat of vines that grew between 3 trees. the deer had jumped off the bank and was laying 6ft off the ground on the vines. when i walked under him i could barely reach him to pull him off of the vines.