I shot a big 8 point (4x4) in a thick woodlot with a 12 gauge when I was youngster. Shot in the chest at about 50 yards just behind the shoulder crease with an old foster slug. The deer went into a full tilt death run. I didn't know I hit it, so kept shooting and pumping the old 870. A few seconds later the deer ran straight into a large tangle of vines. The vines bowed out just like a giant sling shot or catapault. At about the end of the strech the buck expired, the remaining energy of vine tangle catapaulted the buck back the way he came about 25 feet in a heap. I only hit him with the first shot and missed all of the other three I shot at him. So much for shoting running deer. I was very relieved, as he was heading for a property line and figured the neighbors would tag him regardless.