Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I have nothing but respect for our military. I have far less respect and trust for our upper brass. I believe that at the grunt level the orders given will be, by and large, orders obeyed. For the non-coms and mid officer level I expect the most push back against illegal and unconstitutional orders….. I hope that my optimism is exceeded. I believe that the corporal ordered to use his rifle and shoot civilians gathered en masse would be an “easier” order to follow, even though it might be completely illegal and unconstitutional, compared to the A-10 or F-16 drivers……at least I hope that’s the case!

My question would be how would the military feel about shooting unarmed citizens in mass? I mean like full on WWII Nazi level shooting of lined up Jews type stuff? That's what we are talking about, right? Even the brainwashed hand picked Nazis had issues with that, that is why they went to using gas chambers...Our military has never done crap like that in modern times...

Or, do you think the Government would be crazy enough to turn the few hundred thousand military men out on us millions of citizens while we still got millions of guns in our possession? They may kill a lot of us, but they would be outnumbered by at least 100 to 1 or more by all the gunowners here now..

It would be like Afghanistan, Ukraine, or whereever. It might be a lot more than they bargained for going door to door trying to weed us all out if we have weapons. Are they going to turn the whole country to rubble with tanks and planes trying to kill all of us? What's the point?

In the middle of all this, what's to stop us from becoming the terrorist they accuse us of being? What's to stop us from going next door and burning down the neighbors house that voted for this shigt while they are in it? Those same people that voted for this would be living among us that they want to weed out.

It would be like mass chaos...

Last edited by Ramdiesel; 02/04/24.