I was active 02-06, based on my time then = absolutely they will
Son was active 18-22, based on his time in and our discussions after = absolutely they will

Interesting observation that might be due to just those I associate with, my son associates with - those of us that got out during GWOT and grown after seem to be some of the most distrustful people of the current system and government. "Based" as they say.

GW Bush did a lot of things wrong but perhaps the best thing he unintentionally did was create 3 million GWOT vets who are well versed in the BS, well versed in insurgency operations (both sides) and aren't all that interested in living under the same system of government they saw in Iraq and Afghanistan just called "Democrats" in the US.

Those fighting aged men streaming over the border are only fighting aged so long so the window isn't that large. The physical Balkanization of the US is coming, ideologically we're already there. They're going to find it more difficult than the DNC/Uniparty is prepared for.

Said it before - saying again. Mao, Stalin and Hitler didn't kill millions of their citizens. Paid public servants in their countries did. It will be the same that attempt to here.
