Originally Posted by Lee24
I have asked several times for the trolls to provide me with the name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the PERSON at Winchester who supposedly told them that my rifles don't exist.

I would like to show them how to adjust the trigger on a Winchester Model 70.

Pics and SN of the rifle.

You've been asked repeatedly for this, and it just doesn't exist. You know it, as does anyone else with a brain.

Consider that the Winchester production supervisor with whom I spoke directly wanted to see the pics as well, and wanted the SN so verify EXACTLY what that rifle was when it left their plant, and to track it down, since in his words "if someone is rollstamping "Winchester" on a barrel, and it isn't us, we definitely want to know who that is."

So, pics of the rifle, if you have them.

Put up, or STFU.