Originally Posted by Lee24
Aw, gee, thanks, CLB? Have you driven past Michael Jackson's house, too? LOL!

FYI, "2 hours north of the FN plant" would put you well into NORTH Carolina. Check your map before posting next time.

I will actually be in FN soon on business, so if I find anyone there who was around when my rifle was made, I will talk to them. Most of them are not familiar with Winchester prior to two years ago.

Meanwhile, the nameless Winchester contacts claimed by my detractors will remain vaporware.


Like I said in my post. If you where legit, you would have closed the deal by posting the picture. There are many "good" engineers who post here that I learn from routinely. The only degree you have is in TROLLING. VA, Matt and the boys had you pegged from day one!! The only real thing i think you have ever invented is that twisted demented state of mind in your fuggin head.....