My tent on the goat hunts is the Eureka Alpinlite. I will say that I stayed comfortable, but the guides tents leaked badly. On the sheep hunts I have been in several. A BD MegaLight was very nice in the bug free, snake free, temperature mild environment of the Summer time in the NWT. This year I was in a MEC two man WITH the guide, and it was just a bit tight, but did well. In all cases, on these hunts, I've been covering large amounts of vertical ground and was exhausted in the extreme and would have slept under a wide brimmed hat very well. When I go around here, for a night or two, I like comfort, and weight is not paramount for me. I love Hillebergs and have been using my Jannu to go out with my little girl and dog. I've been liking the Hillebergs because you can set them up in the rain without getting the inside wet. This year the North Georgia region is getting enough rain to erase a 5 year drought (4 inches today). It's a pain setting up my beloved Rabs or Integral Designs, poking the poles through the open door with the rain pouring in.....gotta set up a tarp first. So far this year my favorite is a Hille Jannu.....tall, long, wide, light, and got a vestibule, just a little on the heavy side these days for one guy. I did just get another Akto on the classified that I'm going to give another chance. I got rid of my first one after it kept falling in on me on an ice/sleet storm, but I think I'm going to get the extra pole.
That's all for now.....