Does look like a sweet setup Bitt. Not disputing that. Just saying that the price is nearly 2.5 times more for a shelter that is only 20% larger. Having all my gear at the end of that supertarp with the low roofline beyond my sleeping bag and pad seems like it might be a little bit of a pain IMO. Glad it works for you. I happen to like the abilty to have the roofline of the SL2 and the simplicity of setup of just setting two trekking poles the same height stake out the four corners then put the trekking poles inside. No need for guying out either. I'd rather take some of that saved money and put it towards a TI Goat bivy to keep the bugs at bay while I sleep. wink

No doubt a good setup, just don't see it being 2.5 times better than the shangr-la.