Originally Posted by djs
Originally Posted by watch4bear
What the GOP wants for pres, is a black male who's heterosexual, pro-gun but won't brag about that fact, diverse but will still scratch your eyes out, a great speaker, has smoked a little pot, and a good dresser. Oh, and the media will ok em.

Remember Alan Keyes? Black, heterosexual, conservative, Republican, former diplomat, pro-gun, etc.

He has run for the Republican nomination and not been a contender.

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Keyes

I've met Alan Keyes and talked with him and you are right. No black Republican of Alan's stature will EVER be nominated by Republicans for president.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude