Originally Posted by Spanokopitas

The only way Mrs. Palin could be elected to high office is if she ran under BHO and the Republicans sent up Ron Paul.

Looks like Sarah can count on RNC Chairman Michael Steele when she runs:

�These Republican leaders who don�t put their names in print but make comments in shadows need to shut up,� Steele told American Morning�s John Roberts Monday. �We�re focused on winning elections tomorrow night. We�re not focused on 2012.�
Steele�s comments were in reference to a Politico article out Monday in which a string of unnamed Republicans, feeling Palin could not be a viable presidential contender, said it will be the party�s goal to prevent her from running in 2012.
Other establishment Republicans have also gone on the record to criticize the former Alaska governor � most recently Karl Rove, who last week said Palin lacks the gravitas to sit in the oval office.

�If she goes through the process and the Republican primary voters vote for her, absolutely I would be happy,� said Steele. �Why wouldn�t I be?�

That�s what I said: Let Sarah throw her huntin� cap in the ring.
What are all you Nattering Nabobs of Palin Negativity so scared of?
Your Hero can�t beat her?

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."