Originally Posted by OUTCAST
I read that Murphy contemplated suicide and toward the end slept alone in his locked garage, for weeks at a time,with a .45 under his pillow. Sure sounds like post dramatic stress syndrome.

He was hyper-sensitive to sounds, which is why he slept alone in his garage, which was soundproofed. He's not the only one to have a pistol nearby when he sleeps, however. Undoubtedly he had PTSD, and probably at least gave suicide a passing though. Almost everyone has.

He died in 1971 at 47 years of age. I remember it, but until I checked, thought it was later than that.

As for Askins, I never read much of him, only his articles which I thought I thought the language was precious. (He alwasy referred to England as "the tight little Isle, if I'm thinking about the same man.) I'm convinced he was a psycho from what everyone says here (including those who knew him.) Can't say I am deflated by all this negative information, as I never had much of an opinion of him in the first place.

What we certainly do NOT need is a platoon of psychos like Askins, who feel killing babies is a matter of convenience.

Last edited by Gene L; 11/10/10.

Not many problems you can't fix
With a 1911 and a 30-06