This is an interesting thread. Some have said that 60 years ago are not that different than today. Well in fact they are; in todays world BP officers are sent to prison for shooting a drug smuggler whom they believe is a danger and then the U.S. Goverment brings the scumbag over to testify against the officers.

Also, the smugglers are better armed and the National Guard sent to protect the border are not allowed to defend this country against them. Everytime there is a shooting by the BP the media questions it, but doesn;t seem to mind as much the killing of a rancher by a smuggler. Someone he was trying to help.

Read some of Bart Skelton stories along the border from 30 years ago and beyond and you will see things were done a little differently. (I know Bart was not there as he is too young, but he does know those who know.)

Askins and Hardin may be cut from the same cloth. Concerning Hardin the story goes Hardin killed a man while they were camped together because he wanted to get some sleep and didn't trust the other not to do the same to him. It should also be noted Hardin became a lawyer after getting out of prison and as I recall was murdered.

As far as justice, I remember reading an article in one of the Western magazines, I think "Wild West" of a fellow shooting another in the back while he sat on a board walk enjoying the day. The killer was aquitted because the dead man had threatened him a few days before. Times do change.

Last edited by Just a Hunter; 03/12/11.