Originally Posted by jryoung
A little stress in life is a good thing, the plant than has to root a bit deeper for water, the athlete that has to run one more mile, the survival of the fitttest

A small amount of wolves would test the elk in this regard. Yes they will still kill elk, but overall the elk would be more fit and tuned for survival. For a hunter they would be that much more challenging and fun to hunt. However, at around 2000 wolves the elk cannot sustain their herds and we know what that means.

As for your second point, I was not involved then and don't know what the true ly went on as all I have is hearsay to rely on.

Oh, I know the theory involved in wolves (SUPOSEDLY) making the elk herds stronger, althoug it is unprovable and is a super convenient excuse (one of many that have been proven untrue at this late date) If you beleieve that stuff, then why dont we humans simply over hunt the elk we have left? Wont it make them stronger if they are hunted 24/7?--cause that what wolves do, right?