Originally Posted by interthem
While we all know there is no "fieldtrip" underway and the KWPD is already working with the OU campus police to see if mudhead even exists and if he does, it won't take the IT department very long to document his misuse of University computers etc etc etc.

After spending a lot of my day talking to LEOs I am bored and tired. The plan is in place and moving forward. The results are not in question only the timeframe.

The only one buying that story is you and your multiple personalities.

I'm sure you'll adamantly claim otherwise.... so to put us all in "our place", how about providing the names, titles, and telephone numbers of authorities you've been coordinating with all day (No one will hold their breathe waiting).

If you were delusional enough to pick up the phone to waste LEO time on this internet Mickey Mouse BS, you are even more deluded and psychotic than initially perceived.

Given that, based upon what you have to provide as "proof" and justification would be laughable.

Prove me wrong.

Any other response aside from names, titles, and phone numbers will prove you're full of sheit.