Originally Posted by interthem
Well "boys",...

Interesting that you would quote the word boys. Special (or possibly alternative) meaning to you there, Larry? whistle

I also told him how Bricktop could make an honorable exit from the "liar's corner" he has painted himself into.

I'm kinda doubting that Bricktop wants, or needs, an "honorable exit". Sounds more like projectionism on your part, hoping that YOU get let off of the hook.

Moving on: Gunner 500 you sound like another tough guy while behind a keyboard. You have plans to "mash the potato" ?
Bricktop has posted all my addresses, you know where I am.

Hmmmmm... sounds like a thinly veiled invitation to lure somebody in to a trap where you plan on then doing them physical harm. Careful there Root, or "your law enforcement buddies" might get the wrong idea when they're sleeping at the end of your road, and low crawling through the brush to protect you.

...will be "outed" as the liar and coward he is.

Hmm, there's that quotation and projectionism issue again. Feel like revealing something Larry? smirk