Because dolt, that's where it was purchased from DUH ! You wear those Magums on your head so women can't see you ?

Update for Brickhead just off the phone w/OUPD, walked them thru the site (nice to have so many signon names and passwords) and they gave me the case number they have assigned.

You do know OK has stalking laws eh?

"21 Okl. St. � 1173. Stalking-Penalties. (2000)

Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or harasses another person in a manner that:
Would cause a reasonable person or a member of the immediate family of that person as defined in subsection F of this section to feel frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested; and
Actually causes the person being followed or harassed to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested."

You could have stopped all this months ago by a simple admisson thay you were a liar about the stolen pictures and guns I "did not own" . But your ego and the "admiration" of your cheering section kept you going. You sure got sucked in, this time. Guess a "Process Engineer" doesn't get published much eh ?

We'll see how much they "stand by their man" when the fan turns brown......

Where's your next fake trip ?

Hey NSAQAM, Larry is very "IN", LOL
You also dishonor the 28th division by using the unit patch as an insult.
As for the liar, welcher Bricktop, his day is fast approaching.
Coward trolls won't accept PMs.
How's the phantom "campfire" coming ?